Welcome to my webpage!

I am a first-year Statistics PhD student in the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. My research interests lie at the intersection of mathematical (Bayesian) statistics, applied probability, and machine learning. I am currently completing doctoral-level coursework and pursuing research with professor Nhat Ho. For the first year of my graduate studies, I am fortunate to be sponsored by the Bank of Italy’s “Giorgio Mortara” scholarship.

Before moving to Austin, I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s studies at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. While a visiting student at the Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics under the supervision of professor Igor Prünster, I wrote my MSc thesis on probabilistic and methodological aspects of Bayesian nonparametric statistics. In 2022-23, I was also part of the European Research Grant LOSS Project team, led by professor Catherine De Vries.

Ongoing research

  1. Bariletto, Nicola, Nhat Ho (2024). “Bayesian Nonparametrics Meets Data-Driven Robust Optimization.” ArXiv preprint arXiv:2401.15771. [pdf]
  2. Cremaschi, Simone, Nicola Bariletto, and Catherine E. De Vries (2023). “Without Roots: The Political Consequences of Plant Disease Epidemics.” OSF Preprints. [pdf]

Recent News

  1. The paper “Quasi-Monte Carlo for 3D Sliced Wasserstein,” joint with Khai Nguyen and Nhat Ho, received a spotlight (top 5%) at ICLR 2024! You can read it here.